Meru Medical Camp
Rural Electrification and Renewable Energy Corporation (REREC) is taking over the management of renewable Energy Centres in the country. The corporation is finalizing the takeover of 16 centres in a move that will see more generation and access to green energy. The CEO, CPA Peter Mbugua and senior management presided over the issuance of offer letters to Mitunguu Energy Center staff.
REREC further held a discussion with Meru County Government that will culminate in a Solar/ wind hybrid Power Plant which will be in line with the Corporation’s mandate of ensuring affordable and clean energy that is connected to the National Power grid.
Under the REREC and Meru County Matching Facility partnership, 92 rural electrification projects have so far been realized at an estimated cost of 45 million Kenya shillings. 33 of these projects are completed while 59 are in progress. The Matching Fund facility is a programme where the Corporation matches contributions from constituencies and counties to a maximum of Kshs. 5million per constituency for implementation of rural electrification projects.
As part of its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), the Corporation in partnership with the Meru County Government sponsored free cancer medical and sensitization camp at the Githongo Level 4 Hospital where more than 1000 residents benefited. Meru region is known to have high prevalence of different types of cancers.