frequently asked questions
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Below are some frequently asked questions that should give you some insight into how working with me will help you achieve your business goals.
General Questions
The two organizations have distinct mandates that complement each other. RERECs’ mandate is to accelerate the pace of rural electrification in order to promote sustainable socio-economic development. The projects are then inspected and commissioned jointly with Kenya Power who then undertake the metering, billing and management of the infrastructure.
RERECs involvement in Renewable Energy is guided by the Energy Act 2019. The Corporations mandate therefore includes but not limited to;
- Source funds for renewable energy projects
- Develop and update the renewable energy master plan
- Support the establishment of energy centers in the counties;
- Undertake on-farm and on station demonstration of wood-fuel species, seedling production and management; undertake feasibility studies and maintain data with view to availing the same to developers of renewable energy resources;
- Develop, promote and manage in collaboration with other agencies, the use of renewable energy and technologies, including but not limited to biomass (biodiesel, bio-ethanol, charcoal, fuel-wood, biogas) municipal waste, solar, wind, tidal waves, small hydropower and co-generation but excluding geothermal;
- Formulate a national strategy for coordinating research in renewable energy.
Electrification of Villages and other Public Facilities is a continuous activity in REREC. Projects are identified and planned for electrification subject to availability of funds.
REREC is responsible for the maintenance of the transformers. However, after expiry of 6 months (defects liability period) after commissioning of a transformer, KPLC takes over responsibility of the transformer.
The mandate of REREC is to accelerate the pace of rural by construction of distribution lines in rural areas. Once completed they are handed over to Kenya Power for metering, billing and meintenance. The mandate of REREC therefore does not include installation of electricity meters. REREC installs transformers in public facilities and connects by installation of service cable drops to households that have met all the relevant requirements and are within a 600-meter radius from the installed transformer.
REREC is fully funded by the tax payer through the National Treasury. We do NOT charge fees for any of our services to the citizens of Kenya.
It is the responsibility of REREC to follow-up on projects to completion and commissioning status
REREC is implementing various projects aimed at ensuring that people of average income have access to electricity. The government has set a target to increase connectivity and attain universal access. To achieve this, electrification of all public facilities and households located within a radius of 600 metres from an existing transformer have been prioritized. Further, new transformer installations on existing grid networks for households’ electricity connection are being undertaken
So far out of the 88,750 identified Public Faculties in the country, 60,934 have since been electrified (68.5%) and the balance of 27,816 forms the focus of REREC in a bid to attain Universal access to electricity by Year 2022.
For citizens living on areas far away from the national grid, solar mini grid project are being implemented. The aim of the project is to provide electricity to off-grid towns using solar mini-grids. Currently the Corporation has implemented 26 such projects in the off-grid counties of Wajir, Turkana, Marsabit, Mandera and Garissa.
You may make a request for electrification stating the name of your village or constituency to your area MP or Governor for consideration. You may also write to the Corporation on behalf of your village/public facility for consideration.
For standalone systems (Wind and solar) REREC connects public institutions like schools, dispensaries and boreholes. If the customer is within the range on a mini-grid he/she will be connected the normal way through KPLC after REREC has done service cable up to the customer. Clean energy solutions can be accessed at 16 energy centres across the country, REREC intends to develop this energy centre in all 47 counties to improve accessibility.
The mandate of REREC is to enhance rural electrification by connecting public facilities including schools market centres and community water projects such as boreholes and water pumps. If there is a public facility within your vicinity and your premise is within the 600 meters’ radius, then you stand to benefit after the facility has been identified and planned for electrification subject to availability of funds. REREC is also undertaking jointly with Members of Parliament (MPs) the transformer maximization project which is benefiting customers within the 600 meters’ radius.
For projects requiring extension of medium voltage lines or where medium voltage lines already exist, REREC does provide transformers then does low voltage reticulation to the load centres.
There could be many reasons why the transformer has not served you;
- The transformer may have failed but the failure was never reported to either REREC or KPLC depending on which organization was responsible for the transformer.
- The transformer may have been vandalized hence faulty
- The transformer may have been disconnected for safety reasons
We advise you to contact REREC through various channels of communication. You can call through telephone 0709193000 or 0709193600
You can also write a letter to;
The Chief Executive Officer
Rural Electrification & Renewable Energy Corporation,
Kawi House,South C
- O. Box 34585 – 00100
If there is a public facility within your vicinity and your premise is within the 600 meters’ radius, then you stand to benefit after the facility has been identified and planned for electrification subject to availability of funds. REREC is also undertaking jointly with Members of Parliament (MPs) the transformer maximization project which is benefiting customers within the 600 meters’ radius.
There are various reasons that may warrant the removal of lines. This may include;
- Migration of lines to pave way for other infrastructural developments such as roads and other public facilities
- Illegal connections. To ensure safety of people and property there are processes and procedures that must be followed in the implementation of electrification projects. There are cases of illegal power lines that have been reported in some parts of the country. These lines are therefore removed to ensure safety of citizens.
- We advise communities that they need to have electricity connected through formal channels of applications to REREC or Kenya Power.
REREC has Contracted Surveyors who are responsible for works in a certain cluster of Constituencies. All Constituencies / Counties / Regions have been allocated Surveyors.
Vacancies are usually advertised through the local dailies and our website and applications done through the website, once advertised applicants are given a detailed procedure on how to do this.
For internship opportunities at REREC, you can apply through the Public Service Commission website at https://www.publicservice.go.ke/
Whenever job opportunities are advertised, shortlisting is carried out and only shortlisted candidates are contacted as is stated in the advertisement. You have to bear with us because it may not be possible to respond to the large number of applications that we receive.
The Rural Electrification Master Plan is the main point of reference in selection of projects for implementation of rural electrification in the country. However, you may write to the Corporation on behalf of your village/public facility for consideration. You may also engage and encourage your area MP and County Government to partner with REREC in a ‘shilling for a shilling’ program (Matching Fund). The Matching Fund facility is a programme where the Corporation matches contributions from constituencies and counties to a maximum of Kshs. 5million per constituency for implementation of rural electrification projects.
For more questions please check out our Customer relationship management
Rural Electrification and Renewable Energy Corporation (REREC) has an expanded mandate of spearheading Kenya’s green energy drive, in addition to implementing rural electrification projects.
- Kawi Complex, South C,P. O. Box 34585 – 00100 Nairobi.
- 0709193000/3600
- info@rerec.co.ke