Over the past 10 years, REREChas gone through 2 strategic plan periods and is currently in the process of drafting the 3rd strategic plan. During this period, the Corporation has implemented electrification projects amounting to KSH 120.3 Billion as shown in the table below.
2021 | 10,056,203.40 |
2020 | 10,737,437.70 |
2019 | 9,411,864.90 |
2018 | 20,579,912.40 |
2017 | 9,515,644.40 |
2016 | 12,177,523.40 |
2015 | 12,071,998.70 |
2014 | 22,305,343.40 |
2013 | 8,295,625.30 |
2012 | 5,214,356.10 |
TOTAL | 120,365,909.70 |
FRIST STRATEGIC PLAN (2008/2009 – 2012/2013)
The 1st Strategic plan was implemented during the period 2008/2009 – 2012/2013. The implementation factored the Government’s 1st Medium Term Development Strategy of realizing Vision 2030. This was instrumental in driving the Corporations’ vision and achievement of its mandate. The goal during this period was to connect the three main public facilities – secondary schools, trading and health centers – to achieve a connectivity target of 22% in the rural areas by June 2013.
This was achieved by December 2012 and was estimated at 26%. Further, during this period the Rural Electrification Master Plan was developed. In 2013, the Government introduced the Digital Literacy Programme (DLP). The programme identified electrification of schools as an important prerequisite to its success.
The following projects were implemented during the 1st Strategic Plan;
- Electrification of public facilities
The Government had set a target to increase connectivity and attain universal access to electricity by year 2030. To achieve this, electrification of all public facilities and households located within a radius of 600 meters from an existing transformer were prioritized. Further, new transformer installations on existing grid networks for households’ electricity connection were undertaken.
Out of the 88,750 identified Public Facilities in the country, 60,934 have since been electrified (68.5%) and the balance of 27,816 forms the focus of REREC in a bid to attain Universal access to electricity by Year 2030
2. Electrification of Public Primary Schools
In 2013, Government introduced the Digital Literacy Programme (DLP). The programme identified electrification of schools as an important prerequisite to its success. In June 2013, REA undertook to provide electricity to all public primary schools. A total of 22,927 public primary schools throughout the country have so far been connected to the grid or solar PV for those far away from the national grid.
3. The Turkwel-Lokichar Line
This project was implemented to extend grid supply to off-grid areas in northern Kenya. The objective was to open up the Northern part of the country. The project involved the construction of a 120KM 66KV Turkwel – Lokichar line and installation of a 23MVA 66/33KV sub-station in Lokichar and 10MVA 66/33KV sub-station at Kalimungorok.
4. Lighting up Informal Settlements
REREC in partnership with other stakeholders was involved in upgrading of informal settlements across the country. The Authority was involved in the installation of high-mast floodlights to provide security lights in informal settlements. During the financial years 2014/2015 and 2015/2016, the Authority installed 104 high-mast floodlights in Kibera, Mathare, Korogocho, Ngomongo, and Mukuru kwa Njenga in Nairobi, as well as Kiandutu in Thika.
5. Isolated Diesel Stations
Twenty isolated diesel generators were implemented by the Corporation in various towns in the Northern and Coastal parts of the country as shown in the table below;
SECOND STRATEGIC PLAN (2016/2017 – 2020/2021)
The Corporations’ 2nd Strategic Plan enhanced the focus on the development of renewable energy sources in Kenya, in which the Corporation was expected to take a leading role. Some of the projects implemented to promote the use of renewable energy during the Strategic Plan period (2016/2017 – 2020/2021) included;
- The development of twenty-six solar mini-grids to electrify off-grid towns;
- Construction of the grid that connected a 50MW solar power plant in Garissa and
- The establishment of partnerships in the implementation of renewable energy technologies, among others.
REREC’s 2nd strategic plan enhanced the focused on development of renewable energy sources in the country in which the Corporation was expected to take a leading role. The Corporation continued to enhance grid electrification through the electrification of public facilities and installation of Transformers to connect households in the country.
The following projects were implemented during this period;
- Transformer Maximization programme
The Corporation has been in the forefront of supporting the electrification of Households and installation of transformers in all the rural constituencies in the County. Over the last five financial years (FY 2016/17 to FY 2021/22) a total of Kshs 10.432 billion has been invested in the Transformer maximization programme.
This involves the installation of transformers and connection of all households within 600metres radius of the Transformer. A total of 2,700 Transformer maximization projects have been implemented to date in this programme and this has been a major contributor to the success of the universal access to electricity strategy of the Government.
2. Electrification of Public facilities (EPFP)
The Corporation through funding from the Arab Bank for Economic Development of Africa (BADEA) is constructing long lines in five regions in the county namely Nyanza Region, North Rift, South Rift, Central and Upper Eastern, Lower eastern and Coast region at a cost of USD 57 Million which is approximately 6.8 Billion Kenya shillings. The financiers include; Arab Bank for Economic Development for Africa (BADEA); OPEC Fund for International Development (OFID); Saudi Fund for Development (SFD), the Abu Dhabi Fund for Development (ADFD) and the Government of Kenya.
The aim of the project is to connect public facilities and Households in support of the GOK’s objective of universal electrification for all by the year 2030. Upon completion, a total of 510 projects will be electrified through this programme.
The project will electrify 1,200 public facilities across the 5 regions that include market centres, health centres, educational institutions, tea buying centres, coffee factories, administration centres. It is envisaged that a total of 35,460 households will also be connected to electricity.
3. Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)
The project is funded by the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) and aims at Connecting 33 market centers in off-grid counties of Turkana and Mandera. In addition, the Contractors will also construct of 23 distribution lines in Samburu and Laikipia to connect public facilities and households.
The KSh13.7 Billion ($135.7 million Garissa Solar Plant, is the largest grid connected solar power plant in East & Central Africa. It is located in Balambala Constituency, Garissa County about 20 kilometers from Garissa Town. The solar farm sits on 85 hectares (210 acres) and consists of a total of 206,272 265Wp solar panels and 1,172 42kW inverters.
GoK Funded Solar Mini-grids
The Corporation has implemented Twenty-Six (26) solar mini-grids across counties of Wajir, Turkana, Marsabit, Mandera and Garissa. The projects consist of 60kW solar PV system with battery storage and a backup diesel generator to ensure quality and reliable power supply to the customers.
The projects are serving 3,693 customers and provide other socio economic benefits to communities living in these areas in education, health, entrepreneurship, employment, communication, water pumping and food preservation.
The Corporation is also implementing a 280kW solar mini-grid with battery storage in Buna town, Wajir County. Once commissioned the project will provide reliable power supply to approximately 360 homesteads, institutions and businesses in Buna area.
- Donor funded solar mini-grids
University of Southampton | Implemented two Solar Mini-grids with energy storage in Kitonyoni (23kW), Makueni County and Oloika (13.5), Kajiado County. | The projects have been in operation from 2016 with over 450 customers connected. |
KEMP (Kenya Electricity Modernization Programme) | The scope of the project includes development of seven (7) solar mini-grids with battery energy storage and associated reticulation network. These are being installed in the following eight (8) sites: Mageta Island, Siaya County; Ngodhe and Takawiri Islands in Homa Bay County; Wasini Island – Kwale County; Kaeris and Kerio markets in Turkana County and Dabel in Marsabit County. | Once commissioned the project will connect in excess of 4,088 customers in off-grid areas and coastal and Lake Victoria Region islands. The installation works for the project are ongoing. |
KOSAP (Kenya Off-grid Solar Access project) Implemented by Ministry of Energy, REREC and KPLC | construction of 121 solar mini-grids, solarization of 380 boreholes and installation of 1,100 standalone solar systems on public facilities targeting 14 counties in the North and North Eastern Region | Corporation is implementing 59 of these mini-grids with a total capacity of 4,932kW and potential to connect ten million customers. The mini-grid component being implemented by the Corporation has the potential of contributing 2,012 tons of carbon emission reduction, considering most of the households are currently using kerosene. |
The Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) | The organization is funding projects aimed at connecting 33 market centers in off-grid counties of Turkana and Mandera. | In addition, the 23 distribution lines will be connected in Samburu and Laikipia to connect public facilities and households. |
- Nyakach Solar water pumping
The Corporation in Collaboration with Kisumu county government implemented a solar water pumping project at Nyakach water treatment plant. The scope of work was to install a 68kW solar PV and a pump controller with associated wiring to power existing water pumping system. The project was commissioned in 2017 and has been able to cut the electricity bill of the plant by Ksh. 2 million shillings per month.
- Nyeri Boreholes Solarization
The Corporation signed MOU with the County Government of Nyeri to partner in implementation of renewable energy projects in the County. The Corporation has installed solar power pumping system in 14 boreholes which were initially powered by grid or diesel generators. Some of the boreholes were not operational because they had been disconnected from power supply due to pending bills or the cost of running the diesel generators was too high. The solarization of the boreholes has been transformational to the community in many ways.
Solar street lights play a critical role in providing safety and promoting security in urban and in remote areas that don’t have access to a conventional electrical grid. Solar street lights offer great cost savings to the Counties as there are no power bills to be paid and require much less maintenance compared to conventional street lights. They are also social economic transformational because the beneficiary markets enjoy extended business hours.
The Corporation has installed and commissioned 172 solar street lights in Nyali, Changamwe and Mvita Constituencies. An additional 747 solar streetlights have also been implemented in Kiambu County. Plans are underway to implement 9 solar streetlights in Embu County.
In support of the Government Digital learning programme (DLP), REREC focused on electrification of Public Primary Schools since 2013. Schools in off grid areas were electrified through installation of Solar PV systems (1.7 Kw) these schools totaled to 4,786 schools.
The Corporation has also electrified 58 secondary schools with 4Kw solar systems, this has enabled night learning and also the use of computer laboratories.
Off-grid electrification provided by diesel generators was one of the first and most applicable solutions for the electrification of rural villages. The Corporation has installed twenty (20) diesel power station to electrify off-grid areas. However, the cost of operating diesel generator is high. Diesel generators also produce large amount of carbon dioxide, which is a major contributor of climate change.
The Corporation has installed solar PV systems, which were hybrided to the existing diesel generators in Takaba, Eldas, Rhamu and Laisamis power stations. This was aimed at increasing power affordability from the respective power stations and contribute to the Country’s Nationally Determined Contributions Carbon Dioxide Emission targets.
The Rural Electrification and Renewable Energy Programs have mainly been funded through the exchequer. REREC has developed a participatory innovative approach in financing community projects through a cost sharing arrangement with the National Constituency Development Fund (NCDF), County Governments and other stakeholders.
The aim is to supplement the traditional source of funds. Under the program REREC matches a shilling for a shilling contributed by stakeholders but up to a maximum of Ksh.5 million per Constituency on a first come first served basis. This programme has been a great success and has enabled the Corporation to implement additional projects and therefore reaching more people.
Under its new mandate, the Corporation is running the existing 16 energy centres which were previously under the Ministry of Energy. These centres shall be used as platforms for promotion of renewable energy technologies. The current energy centres are in the following counties; Kakamega, Busia, Garissa, Uasin Gishu, Nairobi, Kericho, Kisii, Kitui, Turkana, Marsabit, Migori, Meru, Nyandarua, Kilifi, Wajir and Nyeri. Plans are under way to establish another 31 energy centres to ensure that all counties have energy centres.
The energy centres shall be used as centres of excellence to demonstrate, train and provide technical support on the application of various renewable energy technologies and energy conservation techniques to various groups such as individuals, community groups, institutions and private sector in collaboration with County Governments. The technologies being promoted in these centers include; Solar, biogas, clean cooking solution, promotion of wood lots among others.
The Corporation has carried out baseline studies and research works to establish best practices and guide policies in the implementation of green energy in Kenya. In this regard, the Corporation, in conjunction with other stakeholders has accomplished the following projects:
- A baseline study on Renewable Energy technologies in Kenya. This aimed at establishing the penetration level of various renewable energy technologies and their rate of adoption in the Kenyan economy. The sudy also sought to establish the level of Renewable Energy resources in Kenya.
- Baseline study on available Local Capacity for manufacture, installation, maintenance and operation of Renewable Energy technologies in Kenya. This study endeavored to establish the readiness level of the kenyan economy to implement the Renewable Energy technologies at local capacity with close reference to the best practices in the world.
- Baseline study on National Standards on Renewable Energy Technologies. This is a baseline study to promote awareness of renewable energy standards and also identify the policy gaps in the existing government policies and standards.
- Research project on the best practices for the conversion of waste to energy in the regard of sustainable energy and climate change mitigation.
- Research work on the assessment of the intermittency impact caused on the existing grid by the uprising adoption of decentralized generation as promoted by utilization of renewable energy resources.
Besides these studies, the Corporation has also undertaken some in-house studies in other areas such as;
- Research study on adoption of composite poles for power distribution in Kenya. This has been submitted for journal publication in conjunction with The Journal of Agriculture, Science, and Technology (JAGST) .
- An assessment study on causes of failure of distribution tranformers in Kenya.
The Corporation continues to strive to be the trail blazer in Renewable Energy technologies in the country whereas increasing electricity connectivity within the country. The above captured programs are some which have enabled the accomplishment of the aforementioned.
Moving forward, REREC’s expanded mandate will enable the Corporation to promote and develop Kenya’s abundant renewable energy resource. Investment in renewable energy generation will also bring about diversification in Kenyan energy generation sources to meet the ever-increasing energy needs of the country. This will also ensure that Kenyans can access clean, sustainable, affordable, reliable and competitively priced electricity.
- Implementation of the mandate under the new Energy Act
- Working towards 100% connectivity in all public facilities and rural households
- Developing and updating the renewable energy master plan
- Promoting international Corporation programmes focusing on renewable energy sources,
- Working closely with counties to increase the uptake of Renewable energy sources and undertaking awareness and advocacy programmes within the communities
- Supporting the establishment of energy centres in the counties and
- Adopting technology on utilization of biomass, biodiesel, bio-ethanol, charcoal, fuel-wood, solar, wind, tidal waves, small hydropower, biogas, co- generation and municipal waste.
- Carrying out Research in renewable energy technologies and dissemination of the research findings.
- Cooperation with the Renewable Energy Advisory Committee in the development of national renewable energy policies and strategies.
- Cooperation with energy sector players on areas of energy efficiency, technology development, dissemination and capacity building.
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